PBI has four core program areas, Housing, Philmont Rising, Small Business, and Local Food, that successfully integrate key elements of renewal in multifaceted development projects providing opportunities for
the community to come together to contribute and collaborate
towards the revitalization of the Village of Philmont, NY in the spirit and tradition of a rural barn raising. PBI has spearheaded the way for renewal in Philmont for 25 years contributing revitalization projects, from Streetscapes to Brownfields, providing opportunities for collaboration with a unique community-based revitalization model. PBI's grass-roots story 2001-2018 - presentation to the City of Poughkeepsie.
A YEAR IN REVIEW: 2024 has been another spectacular year working alongside the community-based Working Groups, the BOA and LWRP Committees, and the Village of Philmont Mayor achieving the implementation of several projects stemming from PBI's community-based mission. As 2024 draws to an end, we have a lot to celebrate. It promised to be an outstanding year for continued revitalization in the village, and we're pleased to say it lived up to that promise. The next level concept designs were completed by the Rice + Lipka Architects and Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects design team; The Philmont Historic District was approved to be listed on both the state and national Registries of Historic Places; We were awarded the next round of Main Street program funds to complete facade renovations for the Hopkins House, and the Empire House; Our Local Food program received recognition in the upcoming publication of the 4th edition of the Square Foot Gardening book for our Annabel's Victory Garden harvesting free vegetables to the Philmont Public Library free cooler for the last four years; and PBI moved back into our office storefront this summer on the corner of Main and Summit Streets with the objective of mounting community development exhibitions such as the current Open House for "Are Smart Meters Smart?" 2025 promises to be another stellar year focused on our four priority programs - Housing in Philmont, Philmont Rising in a project partnership with the Village of Philmont, Small Business, and our Local Food program. We hope you will consider making a donation to help with our end-of-year appeal to support the activities of one or more of our programs or contribute towards the Community Match. Your donation fuels progress for revitalization in the village and helps PBI provide the Village of Philmont the required local match % for the BOA and LWRP grants that PBI has brought to the village without effecting the village budget or impacting taxes.
Smart meters are coming as soon as January. Are you sure you want one? Don’t answer that until you Read this. and have attended the Open House on 12/27.
Friday November 15th 2pm-7pm - Add your voice to support advancing the designs for a new Community Center and Playground located on the Summit Lake waterfront, and an innovative design approach to reimagining the downtown Canal St area for parking and community gathering.
Breaking News! 1/12/2024 Are you a homeowner of a property in the Philmont Historic District and are thinking of doing repairs and/or renovations on your property? Click here to go to the Historic Distrcit webpage to find out how to qualify for a state historic tax credit equal to 20% of the repair and/or renovations costs.
12/31/23 Please raise your glass to seasonally toast collaborators and neighbors who helped make 2023 a stand out year of accomplishments for continued revitalization in the village by serving on a Working Group or Project Committee.
Seven major projects advanced in 2023 working alongside PBI Working Groups and Project Commitees. Please contact us if you would like to add your voice for continued revitalization in the village by joining one of the working groups or project committees for 2024.
Breaking News! 12/4/23 The nomination of the Philmont Historic District was reviewed and approved by the State Review Board on Dec 4th, 2023 to be listed in the State Registry of Historic Places.
It includes 444 buildings and historic artifacts. A total of 351 are listed as contributing to the Historic District, and a total of 93 listed as non-contributing. More.....
Press Release: The BOA Grant Committee serving the Village of Philmont in a partnership project with PBI has selected Rice+Lipka Architects and Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects design team to advance the Philmont Rising project for the next level of design for a new Community Center on the lakeside, and an artisan plaza in the downtown on Canal Street. Read more
Breaking News! In a 2023 Community Survey aimed toward an update of the Village Comprehensive Plan, 69% of respondents ranked “Natural Resource Protection” as the highest priority for future Philmont – the number one answer, ahead of Business Development (62%), Public Safety (62%), and Property Maintenance (59%). Philmonters love Summit Lake and want to see it protected and restored.
Summit Lake, a site selected as part of Philmont's designated BOA (Brownfield Opportunity Area) plan, is a water-body in the Philmont LWRP (Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan) watershed management planning project. It is also listed as a cultural asset in the Philmont Historic District. The objective of this community planning is to restore and protect Summit Lake now and for future generations to come as publicly owned natural resource and essential community amenity.
In the first week of October, every owner with properties located within the boundary of the Village of Philmont Historic District will receive a letter from NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Places and one from Philmont's Mayor announcing the Public Hearing to be held in the Village Hall (124 Main St).
Read more....click here to see the Cultural Resources Study of 444 buildings and historic resources in the village located within the Village of Philmont Historic District boundary.
Breaking News for 2023! The historic Hopkins House (56 Main St.) awarded a Restore New York grant of $800,000 to assist in the restoration of this spectacular former inn located in the heart of Philmont's downtown. Congratulations to the teamwork that made this dream come true. Read the full details of the award.
November 2023 - PBI awarded a $215,000 New York Main Street program grant by the Capital Region Regional Economic Developent Council for the annual Consolidated Funding Application. The grant award is aimed at selecting up to three buildings located on the Main Street to assist with facade and upper floor renovations. If you own a commercial or mixed-use storefront, please contact us if you are interested receiving assistance for renovations.
Breaking News! 01/09/2023 - CONTRACT AWARDED TO LABELLA ASSOCIATESThe Village of Philmont, NY in a project partnership with PBInc awarded the contract to LaBella Associates to provide planning, environmental, and engineering services to facilitate a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Watershed Management Plan for an inter-municipal planning project with the participation of the Towns of Claverack, Ghent, Hillsdale, and Austerlitz. Click here to see the RFP Visit the Watershed Management project to learn more.
All are welcome!
Join the conversation with two speakers from the NY Historic Preservation Office for how voting for the nomination of the Village of Philmont Historic District to be listed on the NY State and National Registers of Historic Places will assist property owners apply for preservation tax-credits to assist with repairs and renovations of eligible homes and commercial buildings in the Historic District.
More ......click here to see the Cultural Resources Study of 425 buildings and historic resources in the village.
We are honored to be a 2022-2023 grantee of Preserve New York, making it possible to take the next step forward in achieving the listing of The Village of Philmont Historic District on the State & National Registers which will contribute to pride of place, Philmont's history, and access for property owners to apply for preservation tax-credits to assist with renovations of properties located on the map of the Historic District. Click here to read the full Preserve New York grant award release.
We are honored Pattern for Progress has published this profile of PBI. Click here or the image above to access the Pattern for Progress profile. Click here to access the PBI Summer newsletter and to register to receive information for joining a current Working Group to add your voice to the decision-making for six funded projects taking place in the village aimed at continuing revitalization.
18 beds were seeded in the spring for Annabel's Victory Garden 4th year continuing to free harvest to the community, and supporting the Philmont Library's 2nd year participating in the Library of Local program. Our garden has dedicated one of its 18 raised beds to the Philmont Library's seed bank. All vegetables we grow are Heritage plants from seed from the Hudson Valley Seed Co, providing the garden with locally sourced seed and gardening technical assistance support, planted in soils from McEnroe Organic Farm which we augment with compost from our 3-bay station. These activities advance Philmont Beautification's intent for the 116 Main Street site to serve the community by developing a local food system as a collaboration with the Philmont Co-op, including ongoing technical assistance and community programming in a partnership with the Sylvia Center, teaching kids to cook. Our head gardener, Taylor Kurtz, does a great job making sure Annabel's Victory Garden meets its community mission. He does weekly harvesting as a garden contribution to the free Philmont Co-op Community Dinner, and offers free harvests to the seasonal Philmont Library community vegetable cooler. See PBI's Spring 2022 newsletter for more of what PBI accomplished in collaboration with the community of Philmont.
Annabel's Victory Garden - a teaching garden for kids & families located at the side of the Philmont Co-op - 116 Main St, Village of Philmont. Read the story of the garden.