Summit Lake and Its Watercourse Plan - BOA. Adopted by the Village of Philmont in March 2018. Designated by the NY Secretary of State in May 2019 as a priority community-based plan.
BOA Area Context & BOA Boundary line including 247 acres - click to enlarge
See above enlarged BOA Framework Plan
Hand painted map of former mills locations
Milestone Heritage - watercourse sketch overlay on a 1900's Sanborn Map
We are pleased to announce the release of the Summit Lake and Its Watercourse BOA Step II Nomination. This study invites the community to rethink the opportunities for redevelopment within the context of the ongoing revitalization of the village, and the potential re-use of vacant mills, restoration of Summit Lake, the downtown gateway, public parks and re-purposing of land owned by the village.
A full color printed copy of the BOA Step 2 study is available at the Village Office and on the Village web site. To download click here for the BOA study and here for the Appendices.
Click here for the BOA study at-a-glance - BOA for Dummies.
PBI would like to thank residents, business owners, Village Trustees, and the Columbia Land Conservancy who contributed their oversight of the BOA Step 2 Nomination planning process, and many hours of volunteer time.
Watch this space for announcements of events and community outreach invitations to join working groups being assembled to implement the vision, goals and objectives of the Summit Lake and Its Watercourse study.
This next step will be carried out by the Village of Philmont in partnership with PBI continuing as Project Manager as a Step 3 BOA process. It is aimed at the redevelopment of 17 strategic sites selected by the community, including Summit Lake, the lake waterfront, the lakeshore Community Center & park, the Canal Street Mill and parking lots, the entry of the Harlem Valley Rail Trial, and vacant buildings located on Main Street identified in the study as neighborhood catalyst sites.
Please contact us if you would like more information, have an interest in a vacant property, are a commercial real estate developer, or would like to join one of the working groups. Send PBI an email at
"Conserving Our Past to Revitalize Our Future"
March 20, 2012: The Village of Philmont was included in an announcement made by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo of $3.45 million in grants through the "Brownfield Opportunity Areas" (BOA) program for 15 communities throughout the state. The grants will help create jobs, support environmental remediation, revitalize communities, and expand the tax base in distressed neighborhoods that have been adversely affected by brownfield sites. If Philmont is of interest to you click here to see "What is a BOA and how will it impact me?"
Brownfields are dormant properties where contamination has impeded redevelopment, turning the properties into economic and environmental drains on localities. The BOA grants support programs aimed at redeveloping brownfields.
"Turning brownfields into vibrant sites that attract investment and create jobs is another step in our mission to rebuild the economy of New York State," Governor Cuomo said. "These grants will revitalize communities throughout the state, provide opportunities for crucial economic development, and allow businesses and neighborhoods to thrive once more. As these individual communities are restored, New York State as a whole will prosper." Read more
2019 Presentation:
Click here to see the full Power Point presentation
Summit Lake is protected as a class B waterbody with federally protected wetlands at the top of the lake.
What is the Village of Philmont BOA project and how will it impact me?
The Village of Philmont intends to complete a Nomination Strategy for an area with two potential brownfield sites that are located within the Summit Reservoir Revitalization Area. The area includes the Summit Reservoir, a 21 acre, publicly owned body of water, a critical public amenity, and as such a center catalyst for the area as a natural resource.
The primary community revitalization objectives to be achieved by this project include, among other objectives:
1. Creating a sustainable community in Philmont and the Summit Reservoir Area to minimize immediate and long-term impacts on the environment. This community has the potential to harness micro-hydro to decrease the ecological footprint through sustainable energy sources.
2. Creating a community based informed revitalization blue print for the area to include a thorough and in-depth analysis of existing conditions in the area.
3. Producing an economic trend s analysis that recognizes current trends in Philmont, such as, local farming, farm based education, alternative health care and practitioners, and the resurgence of fine craft based trade enterprises.
4. Produce a plan for the reuse potential for properties located in the area with an emphasis on the identification and reuse potential of strategic brownfield sites as catalysts for revitalization.
Anticipated community benefits resulting from this project include creating a plan for a livable neighborhood. This will assist with the attraction of future investments aimed at new uses such as housing stock restoration, retail, commercial and public amenities, such as, the restoration of Summit Reservoir and lake-side parks to improve the quality of life and economic development for the community.
BOA Step 2 Nomination Documents:
Village of Philmont BOA Step 2 Nomination Work Plan pdf
RFP Questions & Answers Set#1 072613 pdf
Request for Proposals 070913 pdf
Request for Qualifications 010313 pdf
RFQ Questions & Answers Set#1 011413 pdf
BOA Step 2 and Step 3 - Community Participation:
DRAFT #1 Community Participation Plan - November 2014 pdf
Summit Reservoir Area Revitalization - Community Participation Presentation July 2013 pdf
Summit Reservoir Area Revitalization Community Presentation October 2012 pdf
Summary of Public Hearing - August 2010 pdf
Notice of Presentation - September 2012 pdf
Watershed Plan Guidebook - Protecting and Restoring Water Quality pdf
Protection of Waters Program - Dept of Environmental Conservation
The SEQR Handbook - Dept of Environmental Conservation pdf
4th Edition SEQR Handbook 2020 - Dept of Environmental Conservation pdf
SEQR Flowchart - Dept of Environmental Conservation pdf
SEQR and Public Participation - A Citizens Primer
The SEQR Cookbook - A Step by Step Discussion of the Basic SEQR Process - pdf
Columbia County Environmental Management Council / Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Community Preparedness Plan - EMC Minutes 06-24-13 pdf
Crafting a Lake Protection Ordinance - Urban Lake Management
Guide to Planning and Zoning Laws of New York State - James A. Coon Local Governement Technical Series
Planning Board Overview - NYS Department of State, Division of Local Government Services pdf
BOA Step 2 Nomination Executive Meetings and Materials 2012-2016:
08/25/2012 Agenda Summary #1 (approved)
09/22/2012 Agenda Summary #2 (approved)
10/10/2012 Agenda Summary #3 (approved)
1/26/2013 Agenda Summary #4 (approved)
4/13/2013 Agenda Summary #5 (approved)
9/21/2013 Agenda Summary #6 (approved)
10/20/2013 Agenda Summary #7 (approved)
Elan Planning Power Point preentation 10/20/14
10/20/2014 Agenda Summary #8 Elan#1 (approved)
Elan Planning Power Point presentation 11/17/14
11/17/14 Agenda Summary #9 Elan#2 (approved)
12/22/14 Agenda Summary #10 / Elan #3
01/13/15 Focus Group Summary Notes / Public meeting
02/27/15 Open House Summary Notes / Pulbic meeting
03/30/15 Summary Meeting Notes / Elan #4 (approved)
04/13/15 Summary Meeting Notes / Elan #5 (approved)
04/27/15 Agenda Summary Meeting Notes / Elan #6 (approved)
05/12/15 Agenda Summary Meeting Notes / Elan #7 (approved)
06/01/15 Agenda Summary Meeting Notes / Elan #8 (approved)
06/08/15 ETG Economic Market Analysis Meeting Notes / Elan #9 (approved)
Market Analysis - Economic Opportunities for Philmont
08/17/15 Agenda Summary Meeting Notes / Elan #10 (approved)
09/14/15 Agenda Summary Meeting Notes / Elan #11 (approved)
09/21/15 Agenda CT Male Report - Summit Lake / Elan #12 (approved)
Bathymetric Measurements Map - Summit Lake
10/01/15 Progress Brochure
11/18/15 Open House Summary Notes - Elan Plnning's last public meeting
03/11/16 Hydropower feasibility report - HydroPower Consulting
03/21/16 Summit Lake and watershed feasibilty report - Renewage, Inc / Cover
Summit Lake Water Quality Improvement Analysis Report - Renewage, Inc.
"Summit Lake and Its Watercourse"
Reports and Studies of Summit Lake
Summit Lake Reservoir Watershed Assessment
Summit Lake and watershed feasibility report - Renewage, Inc / Cover
Summit Lake Water Quality Improvement Analysis Report - Renewage, Inc.
Hydropower feasibility report - HydroPower Consulting
Bathymetric Measurements Map - Summit Lake
Summit Lake and its Watershed - Behan Planning & Design report
Biological Survey Study for Summit Lake & Adjacent Areas- Jan 2022
10/17/15 Local Workshop: Linking Past & Future: Historic Interpretation
Rediscovering Philmont's industrial history of harnessing water power, presented by Matthew Kierstead of Milestone Heritage Consulting. Matt Kierstead is an industrial historian and recognized authority on the cultural role of industrial heritage, including the revitalization of historic mills, and cleanup of the mining and quarrying industries in the Northeast. He will be presenting on Philmont's historic mills and re-purposing mills and waterways of Summit Lake and Agawamuck Creek.
10/24/15 Local Workshop: Philmont's Micro-hydro Possibilities
An in-depth look at the potential for micro-hydro presented by Hydropower Consulting
Specialists. Celeste Fay, principal engineer and environmental protection and mitigation
specialist, was one of ten influential women recognized in 2014 by the PennWell's Hydro
Group as having unique talents and vision making significant contributions for the use of
micro-hydro in the US. Hydropower Consulting is currently assembling a micro-hydro
assessment of Summit Lake Dam and waterways of the historic canals and holding ponds in
11/07/15 Local Workshop: Repowering Philmont's Future with Water
Examples of other communities restoring their waterfronts, presented by Jeff Anzevino, AICP, Scenic Hudson. Based on the beautifully illustrated Scenic Hudson book, Revitalizing Hudson Riverfronts: Illustrated Conservation & Development Strategies for Creating Healthy,Prosperous Communities, this presentation will show how communities in upstate New York are working to enhance and preserve the unique qualities of their waterfronts, and how revitalization of Summit Lake and its historic mills can stimulate the village economy, connect people to the waterfront, protect the environment, and offerredevelopment potential for Philmont.
Revitalizing Hudson Riverfronts - Scenic Hudson
Repowering Philmont's Future with Water - presentation - Scenic Hudson
11/18/15 - An Open House was held in the Village Hall taking public comment for presented concept and framework plans, including, See Summary Notes
PBI Project Management Reports:
11/10/2014 - Village Board Meeting project report
12/08/2014 -Village Board Meeting project report
02/09/2015 - Village Board Meeting project report
12/14/2015 - Village Board Meeting project report
01/11/2016 - Village Board Meeting project report
02/08/2016 - Village Board Meeting project report
03/14/2016 - Village Board Meeting project report
Useful Documents:
12/3/2015 Governor Cuomo announcement of 11 new Brownfield Opportunity Areas
2002 Village of Philmont Comprehensive Plan
You can see the whole plan (click on link above), or read the plan sections (docs below)