Fund Appeal
A message from Sally Baker
Co-founder Executive Director
Thank you to our supporters and program partners for helping to make 2025 another year of community-based projects. With our appreciation, the Board of Directors and Philmont Beautification, Inc., Staff.
Over the many years of bringing revitalization programs to Philmont, our organization and many volunteers have dedicated a tremendous effort towards producing a visible change in the downtown. We hope you will want to join in this local living economy experience!
Change is happening, revitalization looks more possible every year. Folks tell us they want to contribute to help us take the next steps forward. This is warming news as we start to concentrate on those next steps and move outwards from the downtown to address the revitalization of Summit Lake, the entry of the Harlem Valley Railtrail, restoring the waterfront and lakeside park, and take a closer look at the beautiful historic housing stock. It calls out for attention and dollars to prevent the loss of more historic buildings in Philmont.
As a local grass-roots nonprofit dedicated to "raising the barn" together we're asking you to help us this year by making a donation, large or small, which will help raise the much needed community match for continued revitalization.
Although we have a good track record of grant making, it is often the capacity to demonstrate a community match which adds the defining element for a successful grant proposal for continued community development. Join with us and your fellow community supporters committed to making a difference in Philmont.
Current Projects and Programs
- Philmont is one of the smallest communities to receive a BOA Designation in NYS.
- Philmont Rising in partnership with the Village of Philmont awarded two Capital Regional Economic Development grants for a total project cost of $434,046.00 to be implemented from 2020-2025 to accomplish Philmont Rising projects.
PBI developed and assembled the grant proposals in partnership with the Village of Philmont and with the participation of project Working Groups established to serve Philmont Rising consisting of over 40 community members actively involved. Click here to see the awards, and here to see the Philmont Rising brochure and map of selected projects.
- BOA Pre-development activities have started to produce the next level of concept designs for the Community Center and Playground.
- LWRP - Watershed Management Plan has started aimed at producing an inter municipal project for the Agawamuck Creek in partnership with the Village of Philmont and the towns of Claverack, Ghent, Hillsdale, and Austerlitz.
PBI has committed to raise a total of $20,907 as the required local match to the DOS BOA grant, and a total of $17,074 as the required local match to the DOS LWRP grant. We hope community members and local businesses will help us accomplish this for the village projects by making a donation today towards Philmont Rising to ensure we can accomplish the selected projects.
- Housing assessment mapping - Cultural Resource Survey of 425 buildings in conjunction with NYS Preserve New York - started in August 2019 leading to evaluating one or more potential Historic Districts in the village. See Cultural Resource Survey on Village of Philmont web site.
- The PBI Inspirational Team -a 3-5 year community strategic plan for the organization to increase capacity to meet community selected revitalization projects and initiatives. Please contact us to join this team -
- Creating a housing plan aimed at finding sustainable and equitable solutions for affordable housing in the village and supporting local economies. THIS PROJECT RECEIVED ITS FIRST GRANT FUNDING IN DECEMBER 2018 from Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, and has continued with additional funding received from the USDA, and the NY Main Street Program.
- Planning aimed at implementing the restoration of Summit Lake and the watershed. PBI established community-based Working Groups.
- Mom&Pop Shop project - turning storefront rentals to ownership started in September 2019. Project aimed at the re-use and rehabilitation of 7 vacant storefronts on the Main Street to house new local small businesses.
- Annabel's Victory Garden, a 1.600sq ft teaching garden located on the Philmont Co-op site. PBI built the garden & started programing of free harvests and kids cooking classes with the Sylvia Center in 2020 as a Covid-19 response project.
Every donation, large or small, goes a long way in helping to achieve effective programs and projects in Philmont. Please be generous and make your contribution today by clicking on our secure PayPal Donate or Chip In icons, or by mailing your donation using this form.
Every contribution counts, and so do you! Yours very truly, Sally Baker Executive Director
Donations are tax-deductible under the laws for making a charitable donation to a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit tax-exempt organization.
Foundation and Agency support received:
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation - grant programs including Community Engagement Development grant(s).
Hudson River Bank & Trust Co Foundation - funding our Kids Grow & Cook Program
New Leaf Foundation / general support 2019
NoVo Foundation - Supporting Thriving Local Economies / general support - multiple years.
USDA Rural Development / Rural Business Enterprise Grant 2018, and Rural Business Development Grant 2019
New York State Homes and Community Renewal - Community Investment Fund
NYS Dept of State Office of Planning and Development: Summit Lake and Its Watercourse BOA Nomination in partnership with the Village of Philmont. 2014-2018 and 2020-2022
NYS Dept of State Office of Planning and Development: Agawamuck Creek and Summit Lake Watershed Management Plan. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program 2020-2022