Philmont Beautification, Inc. was incorporated in New York State on 10/24/2006.  Annual filing of Form 990 (IRS) and CHAR 500 (NYS Charities Bureau) are filed every year for the preceding year detailing Program Activities, Income, and Expenses. Our organization was designated as a charitable organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code on December 14, 2010 retroactive to the date of incorporation in NYS on 10/24/2006.  We received New York State sales tax exemption in April of 2011. 

Mission Statement  PHILMONT BEAUTIFICATION, INC., is organized as a grass-roots non-profit, charitable corporation as described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  The mission is to initiate community enhancement projects that combat community deterioration and lessen neighborhood tensions through programs aimed at streetscape improvements, economic development, improved low-income housing, and community arts programs that contribute to the general quality of community life.   Emphasis is placed on creating a hands-on experience of across the age’s collaboration in the spirit of the rural barn raising tradition where each member of a given community or working group contributes to the quality of life according to their skill level and age.